Kelly has presented internationally since 2000. She began with carrying her message of the practical uses of assistive technology to Australia. Since then, she has presented in four Australian states, six Canadian provinces and two South African cities.
Canada – Bridges - During Some School Years, Kelly is contracted through Bridges-Canada to conduct the Environmental Communication Teaching Series onsite or via webinar in various locations in Mississauga, Ontario & Winnipeg, Manitoba. For more information contact Bridges-Canada
SET-BC – Over the years, Kelly has been a highlighted speaker at live and online trainings in British Columbia. SET-BC
Australia – Kelly has been a keynote speaker and regular presenter at the Inclusive Learning Technologies Conference at the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Contact Spectronics Inclusive Learning Technologies
Link to Recordings
Kelly Fonner
1597 Miller Road, Lake Geneva, WI, 53147
Cell/Text: 262-613-3412